Welcome to the world of NTA

Welcome, welcome!!! I’m Natalia, the founder, CEO, head designer, patternmaker, manufacturer, social media manager, and pretty much any other job title you can think of, behind NTA.

First thing’s first, I’m going to clear the air on this one - Trevino Amaro is my full last name. I don’t have a middle name. You have no idea how many “Miss Amaro” emails I get…so here’s me educating you that a lot of hispanics have two last names, one from their dad (Trevino) and one from their mom (Amaro).

Now that that’s cleared…here’s a little more about me! As of the day I’m writing this (October 28, 2022), I’m freshly 23 and still running this entire business alone. I started this business when I was 20 in June of 2020 and at the time, I was living with my parents in Indiana. Basically, I graduated with my AAS in Fashion Design from the Fashion Institute of Technology in May of 2020 and as we all know, 2020 was quite the year. I was living in New York when COVID hit and since it was the first place in the US to get hit hard, I ended up moving back in with my parents since we didn’t know how the pandemic would unfold. A 2-week trip turned into 2 years of living there again, and now, I finally made it out and I’m in LA!

I ran my business from my old sewing room in my parent’s house for about 8 months before I moved out on my own. My parents actually ended up moving to Dallas, Texas for my dad’s job, so I either had to move with them or move out on my own - so I moved out on my own. Being an entrepreneur is difficult in that financial stability is limited…so I stayed in Indiana since the cost of living is much lower than any big city. After a little over a year of living on my own in Indiana, I decided I was over it and that if I wanted my business to grow, I’d have to move out and start looking for opportunities.

I visited LA multiple times throughout my solo year in Indiana so I could get a vibe, make friends, and see if it’s where I wanted to move. It felt like New York and Los Angeles were my only two options for pursuing fashion and since I had already lived in New York, I thought I’d give LA a try. In May of 2022, I finally found an apartment that had everything I was looking for, was somehow in my price range, and was available for me to move in to! Within the span of two weeks, I packed up my entire townhouse in Indiana, downsized like no other, and drove for 3 days to make it to LA.

You know how Taylor Swift said 22 is like being “happy, free, confused, and lonely in the best way?” - well that’s exactly how I’d describe moving to LA at 22.

I’ve picked up what feels like a million side jobs to make it by here, but everyday I wake up surrounded by sunshine and opportunity and I couldn’t be happier about it. Outwardly, you might see some high social media numbers (shoutout to the over 100k of you on YouTube!!!) but at the end of the day, I’m still just one person doing the jobs of probably at least 20…so when I say I run a small business, I really do mean small business. Life isn’t as picture perfect as social media makes it seem and I’m probably not as “successful” as some of you may think (shoutout to the current recession and the lack of orders from my last drop lol) but I hope you join me for the journey of entrepreneurship and every high and low that comes with it.

My goal with NTA isn’t just to make pretty clothes for you to wear. I want to create a community surrounded by not only our love for fashion, but our love for ourselves, for others, and for the planet. Life is just better when we support each other, so I hope I can inspire you to do so. I want the fashion industry to feel like a place where we all belong - because everyone expresses themselves differently and it’s something that should be celebrated. If you can’t shop NTA, I hope you still feel a part of it - whether that’s through keeping up with the vlogs, learning how to sew, immersing yourself in the slow fashion movement, or simply being here for the ride - you deserve to be here, and I’m happy to have you.

I have no clue what the future holds or how my life will unfold, but I can guarantee I’ll bring you along the way.

Love always,



Waste Me Not…Let’s Talk Zero Waste